[1] Author(s): I. Gudyma, A. Maksymov, M. Dimian Titlu: "Stochastic kinetics of photoinduced phase transitions in spin-crossover solids" Sursa:Physical Review E, 88 (2013) 042111, (ISI impact factor: 2.313) Link: http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v88/i4/e042111
[2] Autori: A. Railliet, A. Naik, A.Rotaru and Y. Garcia Titlu: "Mossbauer spectroscopy monitoring the spin transition of a Fe(II) 1D chain with a fluorinated 4-R-1,2,4-triazole"Sursa: Hyperfine Interactions, (2013), (factor ISI: 0) Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10751-013-0943-1
International Conferinta participation
[1] Author(s): D. Chiruta, J. Linares, A. Graur, M. Dimian, Y. Alayli, J. Nasser, A.Rotaru Titlu: "Simulations of Edge Effect in 1D Spin Crossover Compounds by Atom-Phonon Coupling Model" Conferinta: ACIN 2013, 15-19 July, Namur, Belgia (prezentare poster)
[2] Author(s): A.Rotaru, M. M. Dirtu, A. D. Naik, A. Diaconu, L. Spinu and Y. Garcia Titlu: "Thermal Quenching and Magnetic Field Induced Cooperative Effect in a 1D Spin Crossover Compound" Conferinta: ACIN 2013, 15-19 July, Namur, Belgia (prezentare poster)
[3] Author(s): C. Jureschi, E. Codjovi, J. Linares, Y. Garcia and A.Rotaru Titlu: "Pressure-Temperature phase diagram in spin crossover systems: towards spin crossover based temperature and pressure sensors" Conferinta: ACIN 2013, 15-19 July, Namur, Belgia (prezentare poster)
[4] Author(s): M. M. Dirtu, F. Schmit, A.Rotaru, D.D. Naik, J. Marchand-Brynaert, S. Rackwitz, J.A. Wolny, V. Schunemann and Y. Garcia Titlu: "First Two Step Spin Transition in a FeII 1D 1,2,4-Triazole Coordination Polymer" Conferinta: ACIN 2013, 15-19 July, Namur, Belgia (prezentare poster)
[5] Autori: A.P. Railliet, A.D. Naik, A.Rotaru, Y. Garcia Titlu: "57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy monitoring of spin crossover in the first Fe(II) complex with a fluorinated 1,2,4-triazole ligand" Conferinta: International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect (ICAME), 1-6 September, 2013, Opatija Croatia (prezentare poster)