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Last update: 18 Nov 2022 @ 08:29am

Project title:

Smart nanoelectronic devices based on switchable molecular materials (SmartDevice)

PI: Aurelian ROTARU
Contract no. TE123/2020


The proposed SmartDevice project falls into the field of nanoelectronics and multifunctional molecular materials. Herein we are interested more precisely in the potential of the integration of the so-called spin crossover molecules, to control the transport of charge carriers in nanometric devices. In fact, spin-transition complexes are of particular interest in this field because of the bistability of their electronic configurations between the low spin and high spin states which can occur at ambient temperature as well as for the coupling of their transport properties, with a change in the magnetic state. Given these attractive properties, several research groups have very recently turned their attention to the study of the electrical properties of these compounds, by imagining the possibility of their addressing by a field and / or an electric current. Indeed, the use of electrical stimuli to control (read / write) the spin state of the system would offer a definite advantage due to a better compatibility with current technologies. In this 'hot' and highly competitive international environment, this project aims at a scientific breakthrough consisting in the integration of spin-transition molecules into spintronic and industrialized electronic devices. To this end, a systematic study of their electric and dielectric properties will be done, in order to better understand the dependence of these properties as a function of their spin state. Unprecedented high quality thin films with spin transitions at technologically relevant temperatures will be also synthesized and integrated into smart tunable electronic junctions and spin valves.

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